Community Programs

Our commitment to safety, awareness, and wellness will guide our decisions and ensure that our growth is socially responsible and responsive.

Special Events

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Silvers Senior Program

This program is designed for the mature community members. An ideal participant is a 61+ years old male or female who leads an active lifestyle. Each participant must be mentally and emotionally sound. They cannot have any felonies or pending domestic violence or stalking charges.

How this program works:

TSSP will have classes and workshops that are scheduled for the mature community members only. Depending on the length of the class or workshop, the class may be spread out into two days until that class is complete. This allows learning at a slower pace. Classes are not limited to the weekend.

Topics of Discussion:

  • Safety
  • Identifying scammers
  • Personal and home defense tools
  • Vigilance
  • Community resources

What does a participant get out of this?

 The Silvers will have a sense of inclusion, confidence, and security. They have a safe space that’s dedicated to moving at a slower pace in order to enhance their learning experience. This also allows me to travel to different senior groups to amplify the message of situational awareness.

Upcoming Classes:

  • Feb 25
    2:00pm to 4:00pm


Waltonwood Senior Living, Cary

The Sole Survivors // Widows and widowers defensive training program

This program is designed for adults who have lost their spouse due to death. Through this program, these individuals will be encouraged as they navigate a life without their spouse. Once the program starts, it doesn’t end.

How this program works:

TSS is an 11 week cohort in which each individual will go through classes that are specifically focused on wellness, self & situational awareness, and personal defense. During our time together, we exit comfort zones and immerse ourselves in the topic of personal protection. At the 11 week mark, we will have our graduation ceremony and celebration for these individuals.

Topics of Discussion:

  • Mental wellness
  • Understanding your ‘WHY’
  • Contingency and emergency planning
  • Gun safety
  • Proper gun handling
  • Storage vs. staging/stowing
  • Introduction to handguns
  • Marksmanship shooting fundamentals
  • Introduction to defensive shooting,
  • Concealed carry permits
  • and More!

What does a participant get out of this?

Upon successful completion of the program, the individual will receive certificates of completion to include their certificate of completion for their concealed carry permit.

She’s the B.O.S.S Summit (Business Owners’ Safety and Strategy)

This program is designed for female business owners. Whether you have a dedicated space for work in your home OR brick and mortar, there are security considerations and emergency and contingency plans that you want to have in place for your business, your employees, and yourself.

How this program works:

STBS is a one day workshop. Its focus is to ensure the business owners understand their responsibility in ensuring the protection of their employees/contractors, customers, and occupants.

Topics of Discussion:

  • Defining safety
  • Defining strategy
  • Defining planning
  • Why security is important
  • Contingency vs. emergency planning
  • Tools designed to enhance your business’ security
  • and much more!

What does a participant get out of this?

  • Network with other business owners.
  • Each participant will walk away with their own emergency and contingency plans for their business.

Silhouettes Defend(H)ers

Women-only, Virtual, Monthly Membership

This program is designed for women. It’s virtual courses that can be taken in the comfort of one’s home.

How this program works:

Women-only monthly subscription to members-only DefendHER Talks (Guided Discussions)

DefendHER Dibs (Discounts and exclusive opportunities to train in person)

Topics of Discussion:

  • Invite guests to discuss topics for women and have Q&A
  • Mental wellness
  • Details of every personal defense tool
  • Contingency and emergency planning
  • Gun safety
  • Proper gun handling
  • Storage vs. staging/stowing
  • Introduction to handguns
  • Marksmanship shooting fundamentals
  • Introduction to defensive shooting
  • Concealed carry permits
  • and More!

What does a participant get out of this?

Participants develop confidence and competence in their every day walk as the protector of themselves and their families.

  • Connection
  • Accountability
  • Knowledge

Junior Defend(H)ers Exploration Program

This is a week-long camp program designed to foster a safe environment to help strengthen the confidence and awareness of our girls. This program is designed for girls ages 12 – 18 years old.

What does a participant get out of this?

This program is the first of its kind in this area to this demographic. Other than bragging rights of having a unique experience, they gain more confidence in their own capabilities, self, and situational awareness, real world preparation for real world experiences.

How this program works:

Parents and group leaders should attend a virtual interest meeting. A presentation and Q&A will take place. That will be followed by an email to take the next step by committing by paying into the program esteem building, anti-bullying, and gun safety camp; Girls only.

Topics of Discussion:

Esteem building, anti-bullying, and gun safety camp. Every day is a themed day that starts out with meditation:

  • Monday: The L.O.V.E (Let Our Voices Empower) Campaign: “I Was Created For Greatness” | Led by Blazing Beauties
  • Tuesday: “What’s the ‘MANNER’ with you?” | Led by Certified Etiquette Consultant Cassandra W. Haire
  • Wednesday: Protecting My Peace (Identifying Red Flags, Youth DV, Workplace Violence)
  • Thursday: Gun Safety and First Aid Training
  • Friday: Junior Defend(H)ers Day – Paint Ball and Graduation Ceremony

Bring Silhouettes
to Your Girls Camp

The Bang In Her Bag Concealed Carry Fashion Show

This program is designed to be a fashion show with a twist. It will have the glitz, glamor, and entertainment of a fashion show with education at its root. This show will highlight the concealed carry lifestyle, its purpose, and focus on a call to action to be safe and responsible gun owners.

How this program works:

Tickets, vendors, and sponsorship opportunities available.

Topics of Discussion:

  • Family
  • Fashion
  • Concealed carry options
  • Improper carry
  • Proper carry, and more.

What does a participant get out of this?

An experience.

The Bang In Her Bag EmPOWerment Retreat

This program is designed for adult women.

How this program works:

  • Friday: Registration and private mingle event for guests
  • Saturday: Workshops
  • Sunday: Range day and class end

Topics of Discussion:

Mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness, self and situational awareness, security, technology, marksmanship shooting fundamentals, and more!

What does a participant get out of this?

An experience filled with relevant, up to date information for the technological security measures as well as personal and home defense. Knowledge. Accountability.

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    Junior Defend(H)ers Exploration Program

    Register your daughter(s) today

    Reduced rates for siblings, friends and groups! We want to first learn more about you and add you to our interest list!

    Junior Defend(H)ers Exploration Program Prices

    Single Registration

    Non-refundable deposit is $150
    $ 325 per Girl

    Sister/Friend Discount

    Non-refundable deposit is $150
    $ 275 each additional Girl
    (Up to 3)

    Group Rate

    Non-refundable deposit is $150
    $ 1375 Group of 5 Girls
    Best Deal

    Not ready to pay in full?

    Make Your Deposit(s)

    Non-refundable deposit is $150. The remaining balance will be paid before the start of the camp on Monday, June 24, 2024 by invoice of the remaining difference. Make one deposit per girl.